Featured Management Theory Posts

Stepping Back and Stepping Up

Stepping Back and Stepping Up

IT departments need to step back from leading on what technologies are used by organizations, and primary business unit leaders need to step up.

Why Have I Never

Why Have I Never

The work of C-suite executives seems to be the perfect area to focus process improvement projects, but have you ever heard of anyone actually doing such a project?

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When Experience Matters

When Experience Matters

Some consulting work can be successfully accomplished without extensive employment experience; change management consulting work cannot.

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When Experience Matters

When Experience Matters

Some consulting work can be successfully accomplished without extensive employment experience; change management consulting work cannot.

On the Selflessness of Selfishness

On the Selflessness of Selfishness

Staff who refuse to work unrealistically long hours should feel good about themselves for helping to stop the perpetuation of coercive and exploitative work environments.

Who Is Looking Out for Your Organization’s Interests

Who Is Looking Out for Your Organization’s Interests

There are several good reasons to always have an internal project manager oversee the work of external consulting groups, not the least of which is that it ensures someone is always looking out for your organization’s best interests.

Who Should Project Managers Report To?

Who Should Project Managers Report To?

In many organizations, project management is part of the IT department, but this is not the best organizational structure for ensuring projects meet the needs of end users.

Stepping Back and Stepping Up

Stepping Back and Stepping Up

IT departments need to step back from leading on what technologies are used by organizations, and primary business unit leaders need to step up.

Why Have I Never

Why Have I Never

The work of C-suite executives seems to be the perfect area to focus process improvement projects, but have you ever heard of anyone actually doing such a project?